Once you are able to track where your visitors are coming from, you can stand in a better position to improve your engagement and ROI by working on your strategies. Also, you can improve your campaigns and budget more effectively in the future. This is why it is advisable to invest a little bit of your time in setting up your analytics properly. Although a little technical, you can easily do it once you understand the steps involved, which we are going to show you in this blog; or you may hire a professional digital marketing company in Bangalore to help you. So, let us learn how you can use Google Analytics to track visits to your website. But first, you need to know why you must track your marketing campaigns.
Why should you track your marketing campaigns?
When you know where your visitors are coming from and how each source of traffic is proving useful in conversions, you can better optimize your campaign and achieve better results. This will also help you better design your future campaigns and set budgets to make your campaigns better and pocket-friendly. Google Analytics can show you results in so much detail that you can not only analyze which platform is bring in traffic to your site, but you can also identify whether it is the mobile, laptop, or desktop versions; and whether the visitors are using http or https! And, there is much more to Google Analytics than this.
How does Google Analytics track your campaigns?
When a visitor lands on your site, Google Analytics records the page-view along with the source and the medium that the visitor is coming from. The source here is the domain, and the medium is a classification of traffic. You can also apply tracking parameters to all AdWords traffic by enabling auto-tagging in AdWords. These parameters prompt Google Analytics to record the particular data into the visitor’s page-view. It is advised that you use a unique tracking URL for every individual channel you are promoting through, which will help you report on each channel and report on each source and medium.
What things must you keep in mind while tracking your campaigns?
As mentioned above, Google Analytics records all that you tell it to; only in the way that you tell it to. So, you must organize your parameters ahead of time and with complete care. Using a standard set of parameters company-wide is always preferred. This is because if you use a different set of parameters every time, you won’t be able to easily report on things like overall traffic from email monthly or yearly. Also, remember that Google Analytics is case-sensitive, so be very specific while telling it what to do. Also, keep it simple by avoiding creating unique parameters for all variables for each source. Remember that every channel only needs its unique combination of parameters in order to be reported on separately.
With all these tips and tactics, you may not be in a better position to track your campaigns with Google Analytics. However, if you still don’t think you can, you need professional help, and this is where a digital marketing company in Bangalore can help.