The first ever smiley used on the Internet was 🙂 in 1982, which was noted as the ‘joke marker’. Then, started coming smileys of all different sorts. Slowly and steadily, cartoon emoticons came into existence on chats, and now they are almost everywhere! People are going far away from their near and dear ones, and these emoticons are keeping them connected with each other’s feelings.
On the personal front, using emoticons in chats, emails and social media is absolutely cool. But, are you wondering if you should be using these ‘smileys’ professionally too? The answer is “Yes! Ofcourse”. People think they must not add a personal touch to professional teams but, they are wrong. It is great to let your team think you connect with them personally too. Let us see how emoticons in your content can be beneficial for your brand value.
They Behave Just Like Human Faces
The first thing that almost all of us notice when we meet a stranger is his face. So, we can say that a face is the most effective attention-grabbing element of the human body. Consciously or subconsciously, we all respond differently to different faces. Same is the case with emoticons. When we look at an emoticon, we seem to feel as though we are looking at a real human face, and we react to it in the same manner as we would do if the other person was in front of us, giving that same expression. Put up a few emoticons in your blogs on social media and you will see how your followers will connect with you better.
You Appear Friendly By Using Emoticons
Once you have built up a group of followers and fans, you are likely to communicate with them on a regular basis. Using emoticons while chatting with them, will only make them find you friendly and will bring a personal touch to your chat. They will start feeling comfortable with you and will start trusting you even more. It has also been found that your chats with smileys are easier to remember for a longer time than those without.
They Gain You Popularity On Social Media
The University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory researched around 31 million tweets and half a million Facebook posts, and came to a conclusion that happy emoticons bring in more tweets and followers. Emoticons help build up your social media status. This means that there is a strong connection between emoticons and social power. So, the more you start using emoticons, the more captivating you will become. Social media marketing is a very crucial step for building your brand value in the market. It is the best way to reach out to large number of customers.
They Bring Positive Results To Professional Emails
There was a time when emails sent around at work were kept professional in language and up-to-the-point. But, those days are gone now. Now, work emails have become more friendly and casual. People have started adding one or two emoticons in their mails. This does not show any unprofessionalism; it rather increases likeability on both sides – the sender as well as the receiver. So, what is the harm if relationships improve in a workplace only by using a few smileys here and there?
They Help In Making A Negative Feedback Look Positive
You might be wondering how that is possible. Yes, it absolutely is. When a senior wants to give a negative feedback to his employees, it can increase the disliking or negativity from the employees to the senior. But, if he is smart enough to type in his feedback with an emoticon rightly placed in his mail, it can make the employees feel better and will encourage them to happily make the changes they are asked for.
So, from now on, start using emoticons in your blogs and emails, if you haven’t yet started doing so, and rest assured that it will bring in positive results. But, this does not mean that you create any kind of content and the emoticons will do the job. Utilizing the best SEO practices is very essential. For any kind of assistance in this field, you can approach Jain Technosoft, a leading Digital Marketing Company in Bangalore, which provides complete online solutions for websites, blogs and building brand value.