Do you know how important headlines are? Headlines sum up the subject matter of your entire article in just a few words. If you put in all efforts to write a good quality article by using relevant keywords, providing the latest information and implementing the best language but, if you don’t have an effective headline, it may not bring readers to your article. A headline is the first thing that readers will notice about your page. Only if you have an effective and compelling headline, will readers continue to read your blog further. Make some extra efforts and spend a little time to find the most appropriate headline for your blog. Also, a good and relevant article will have search engines picking it up faster so that you are shown on SERPs. Hire the best content writing services Bangalore who will help you write meaningful content as well as the most relevant and effective headline to attract both readers and search engines. Here are a few things that can help you for an effective headline:
Keep them relevant and descriptive
Headlines should be relevant to the content and descriptive in a way that tells the readers what they can expect from the article. Non-descriptive headlines may or may not work well to pull readers into the article. Moreover, as you know that headlines have a big effect on rankings, non-descriptive headlines will not work for SEO.
Keep them short
Limit the length of your headlines. Keep them as short as possible. Google shows only the first 55-60 characters of a page title so; it is the best to keep your headline up to 55 characters if you don’t want Google to cut it off. Also, it is easier to read and grasp shorter headlines quicker than longer ones. From a list of headlines on a single page, readers tend to read the shorter ones first.
Add relevant keywords
It has always been said that headlines should incorporate some good keywords in order to rank higher although; Google does not consider it as important now. However, it would still be better to have one or two relevant keywords in the headline as it wouldn’t do any harm. In fact, keywords can catch the attention of your target audience on social sites, SERPs and newsletters. But remember, not to stuff keywords or use them in such a way that they seem to be a misfit.
Avoid overdoing them
Using fancy language and amplifying your words to some extent is acceptable. But, remember not to overdo it. Promise only what you can fulfill. Many headlines have exaggerations over something (for example – tips that can ‘revolutionize’ a marketing strategy) but, when you get into the content, it is the same thing that everyone else is already providing, and what the whole wide world knows about. So, strike a balance between your words and reality. Don’t use headlines only to attract traffic because irrelevant and exaggerated headlines will only disappoint your readers and in turn, reduce your rankings.
Include lists or questions
People love lists… 10 ways to… 20 best… top 100… etc. These kind of headlines interest readers to read the article further. It also tells them that the article has a defined structure and should be easy to read and grasp. You can also use the ‘How to’ question in your headline to let users know of different ways they can achieve what your article is taking about. It will make readers curious.